Friday 15 November 2013

Create your contagious

I've witnessed many acts, kind or otherwise and how they ripple through friends, family and even those we don't know yet.  

Think about this for a moment.  When you are with someone who speaks about others in a negative way, talks about their life and how hard it is every day, never appears to be happy how do you feel?  Most of the time, I feel drained and find myself starting to think the same.  

Then there is the flip side.  I do my best to surround myself with those with a great outlook no matter how hard the task.  I know the best sound in life is laughter.  The best sight is kindness and the best feeling is happiness.  

I get asked where my energy comes from and I always respond 'from YOU'!  I love to create my own contagious by being the start of something fantastic.  

Here are the keys, go drive your car and take it wherever you want!  Jump, yell and have fun with life.  You only live once so make it worth every moment.  You are one of a kind, you are priceless and you can do it.

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