Saturday 30 November 2013

Hold that thought...

A friend of a friend told you something today that took you off guard.  

You saw something that didn't sit right.

Someone said something to you and it came across a way you didn't expect.

Are you going to assume what you've been told is the whole truth, not confirm or let it get to you?  

More than likely, you may.  

We tend to believe the whole truth when we hear it from a one sided perspective.  It's time to make a change and stop assuming, start confirming and asking questions.  Don't be afraid of what's out there and if you choose to pass judgement or make comments make sure you can stand on your own solid ground.  

Hold your thoughts and look before you leap with your thoughts and words.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Be your own success story

You have been given a heart and a brain.  Use them both and use them wisely.  

Everywhere in life, regardless of age you will find those heavy hearted people.  You know the ones.  They have a hard time seeing the bright side of any situation.  

Stop trying to hold their hand.  Lead your life in a direction you want to be, where your happiness is.  Things will follow, people will see your brightness and want some of what you have.  Eventually those who see only the hard side of life will start to see the easier, brighter and better along with you.  

One day, you will look back at your success story and know how you got there. 

Saturday 23 November 2013

Your Ah-ha moment

There is a time in your life you'll understand what 'your ah-ha moment' means.  

They will define you without you knowing but when it happens, it's as if a flood gate opens.  

Without knowing you grow, blossom like a flower standing alone.  No one will notice, no one will see the change.  It doesn't matter that they don't know.  It's for you and that's enough.  

Shaky grounds were once soft and broken now, with some help from others your ground will become full with the help of others putting in the pieces so you can cross the bridge.  Trust no matter how afraid you are.  

Monday 18 November 2013

Bigger is not always better

Knowing our limits is a challenge we face daily.  
Sometimes you have to see them before you hit the wall.  

Remember taking on the world by yourself isn't always best.  
Hold a hand and use a shoulder when you need it. 

Trying to be bigger than your shoulders can carry isn't always the right thing.  

Friday 15 November 2013

Create your contagious

I've witnessed many acts, kind or otherwise and how they ripple through friends, family and even those we don't know yet.  

Think about this for a moment.  When you are with someone who speaks about others in a negative way, talks about their life and how hard it is every day, never appears to be happy how do you feel?  Most of the time, I feel drained and find myself starting to think the same.  

Then there is the flip side.  I do my best to surround myself with those with a great outlook no matter how hard the task.  I know the best sound in life is laughter.  The best sight is kindness and the best feeling is happiness.  

I get asked where my energy comes from and I always respond 'from YOU'!  I love to create my own contagious by being the start of something fantastic.  

Here are the keys, go drive your car and take it wherever you want!  Jump, yell and have fun with life.  You only live once so make it worth every moment.  You are one of a kind, you are priceless and you can do it.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


Regardless of the heartache you are facing, your strength will be there.  You can walk away from what breaks your heart and begin something new.  Believe in yourself, trust what's around you and know that all will be okay.  

These words are easy to hear but actions truly speak louder.  Strength begins inside your heart, seeing where changes need to be made, even within yourself.  Always strive for the better and before you know it your body will begin to follow your heart, mind and soul.  

Sunday 10 November 2013

Becoming better, not bitter

Life gives us things to challenge our charter and our strength. 

To be completely honest, life wouldn't be what it is without.  

Take those challenges and use them as stepping stones to a better place.  Do things for others, create a place for others that will uplift yourself.  
See the growth in others and take pride in this alone.  No medals, no awards just a simple smile and a brisk step in the right direction.

Regardless of how experiences end, use them in a positive way.  Become better not bitter.  

Saturday 9 November 2013

Today's thoughts

If, for a moment you thought you could see inside another's life without asking questions would you still judge the choices made by them?  

The biggest key factor to almost every decision is emotion.  Something that isn't transferable, something that you can't pass judgement on.  

So why then, do you assume a choice by someone you care about the right or wrong one?  

It's okay to feel strongly about where you see yourself.  It's not okay to expect others to think and act like you.  We are all separate, unique individuals.  

Take a step outside of yourself and see how the world revolves around each other, not just you.  

Wednesday 6 November 2013

My hopes

Having children has been the single greatest gift I've received in my life.  Not only are the lessons continued to this date but the insight and clarity to life is moment by moment. 

Growing up, adversity can give a child the education of empathy, living in an accepting environment gives the child tolerance, giving the child the gift of your unconditional love and trust is giving them security, faith and confidence. 

If I've received the greatest gift in life, I hope that I've given those in return.  There are many things we can give our children, these are the most valuable. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Fresh air

Do you know how to take a breath of fresh air?  Typically, it's heading outside and breathing in deeply.  Most of us function on this basic life instinct. 

In our lives we work hard and play hard.  We figure the more we put in the more return we see on the value of where the effort is being put.  This isn't always true. 

On the times in your life, you have to ask yourself;  "have you've lived your life to where you see the investment has it's dividends"?  If you don't follow me let me explain. 

Life is a gift we all receive at birth.  You don't have a choice where you are brought in, who brings you or when your life ends.  You do have a choice to live it, how is the biggest key factor. 

Here you go on your way, starting as a child thinking the world revolves around you.  Basically it does or it should.  You will depend on others to feed you, love you keep you warm and safe.  I know that's not always the case but I would bet that 7 out of 10 kids live this to start with.  You grow up enough to start relationships and be your own person.  Things aren't as rosy nor are they as easy but you start your journey in life independent of those who started you off.  Bravo!

Before long, you start to invest time, your heart and your thoughts into others.  This is okay.   Before long, you put yourself aside and hope that with everything you've given perhaps it will come back to you.  That the others you've given everything to (I'm not talking about a physical gift) will re-pay you in kind.  A kiss for a kiss...

If you've forgotten that banked time, that investment you hoped would pay it's dividends and you wake up from a long slumber of work, daily chores and functions you attend and see that you are standing alone. 

Take that deep breath of fresh air.  Be who you want to be and invest within the one thing you should have all along.  Yourself.  

Sometimes the hardest part in life is knowing when to hold your breath and when to take that one for life.