Saturday 14 September 2013

Steps forward to survival

We all need to feel wanted, appreciated and mostly loved.  It's hard not to look elsewhere when none of those are being offered by someone who should be the most important person in our lives.  How do would you define the importance in a relationship and at what point do you stop giving when after years, there has been nothing in return.  

Step 1 - Acknowledge that you are partly to blame for letting this happen
Step 2 - Grieve for the loss of time wasted and let go
Step 3 - Wake up and plant your feet back on the ground
Step 4 - Plan.  Plan your future starting NOW  
Step 5 - Be clear with your intentions with the other person and stand your ground.  Don't let others sway you, your mind or make your life any less valuable starting right here, right now.  

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