Thursday 18 October 2012

Saving graces

The first experience I had was when I was young.  This came to me unexpectedly and it saved my soul.    I can vaguely see her face but I was about 10 or 11 years old.  She knew what I was going through but couldn't confirm it.  I'm sure she saw my courage when I faced those who taunted me.  She showed me that I could do it.  She was my teacher and she taught me well.

Others that i've seen, met and still have in my life.  Denise is one.  She knows that no matter what, I'd be there for her.  She encourages me, believes me in and is one of my closest friends. 
Denise and I about to meet Emmerson Drive

Danielle was my biggest surprises in life.  I was terrified of being a mum again.  We met at a parent's group and hit it off like there was no tomorrow.  Similar interests but most importantly, she cared enough to ask.  That was enough to know she is a saving grace.  To this day, she is like a sister.

Danielle and I enjoying a concert

My mother & grandmother.... these women are my saving graces.
Grandma at one of Arthur jr's hockey games
Mum & I at the Jasper pyjama party

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