Thursday 18 October 2012

Saving graces

The first experience I had was when I was young.  This came to me unexpectedly and it saved my soul.    I can vaguely see her face but I was about 10 or 11 years old.  She knew what I was going through but couldn't confirm it.  I'm sure she saw my courage when I faced those who taunted me.  She showed me that I could do it.  She was my teacher and she taught me well.

Others that i've seen, met and still have in my life.  Denise is one.  She knows that no matter what, I'd be there for her.  She encourages me, believes me in and is one of my closest friends. 
Denise and I about to meet Emmerson Drive

Danielle was my biggest surprises in life.  I was terrified of being a mum again.  We met at a parent's group and hit it off like there was no tomorrow.  Similar interests but most importantly, she cared enough to ask.  That was enough to know she is a saving grace.  To this day, she is like a sister.

Danielle and I enjoying a concert

My mother & grandmother.... these women are my saving graces.
Grandma at one of Arthur jr's hockey games
Mum & I at the Jasper pyjama party

Friday 12 October 2012

Enjoy the moment

Michael and Arthur jr.

I don't think of myself as adventurous but some do.  These 2 boys experienced somethings in life most wouldn't.  We've been to Thailand, Disneyland and Mexico.  They've been treated to Hawaii and Paris.   It may not seem like much to some but to others, it's a lifetime away.  I'm happy to have given them those experiences.  What they gained on their trips was more than what I anticipated.  They were given the gift of moments.  Not just for themselves for with others and for others.  More importantly, for each other.  They've seen how good of a life they have and how life can be.  Wherever you are, you need to make the most of your moment.  Like the one above in the photo of them.  I look at it daily and know how priceless it is.

Friends from Thailand, breathtaking!

I had a friend in a situation where she had to make a decision.  She was telling me about this opportunity.  I asked her why she made the decision she did and what she said has stuck with me and I am sure it will forever.  She said, "while I was trying to think of the decision I had to make, I asked myself, is this what Nicky would do"?  Someone did what I would do, she enjoyed the moment for what it was.  That is by far one of the biggest complements I've ever received in my entire life.  Thank you Sue!

I've met some amazing friends throughout my life, the ones who stand out are the ones that make the effort to enjoy the moments, those who take the moment for what it is and live it.  If you haven't yet done it, try.  Don't worry about tomorrow, don't think about yesterday... just this moment.  You can change it, ONLY you!

Take a moment to breath and take in all that surrounds you.  Love what you have no matter how small or little.  It may be the only time you have that moment.