Sunday 25 October 2020

Let shit go

 I was just having a conversation about what our expectations are in life.. 

Damn it.. hard and fast rules.. what we expect to be in life.. what we should know by now (being in our 50s) that we would be at bench marks at specific times in life... 

20 - Meeting your partner

25 - Marry, buy home

30 - Have kids, start working on retirement plan 

35 - Return to 2 income family, kids in school, chaos returns

40 - Review life, reevaluate life plan

45 - Start planning life changes

50 - .. what the hell is going on?

Who said this is how things are to go?  Who said that at a specific age, we should know what is going on or how the path goes?  Who tells us that at which point we say.. “honestly, I don’t know what the hell is going on but I’m officially going to just let life guide me and I’ll figure it out as I go”. 

I say.... I’m going to stop living life in the box that was defined to me by society and start just being present.. living life and trusting what the hell is going on. 

Saturday 3 October 2020

Those who mind don’t matter..

 I had written a few blog posts about a variety of things but kept coming back to something I heard the other day.. 


It’s simple yet truthful.  

Being that I moved recently, those who I had become acquainted with, I felt had my best interest at heart.  It turned out, they didn’t.  In fact, they never followed through with their word, nor did they with what I thought was a friendship.  They simply vanished.  Well, after some weeks of reevaluating and waiting, I stepped onto my next journey in this life.  Unbeknownst to me, there was other plans that life had and I was to trust it.  

I was partly hurt due to the simple fact that not only did I wear my heart on my sleeve, I also made myself as vulnerable as one could and it was met with shame.  I would lay at night, feeling less of a person.  In the last few weeks though, it came to me again.. remembering what I’ve shared with my children over and over.  

If you can lay your head down at night, knowing you did what was right and tried your best then you should know it will be okay.  So, I did.  I reviewed the last few weeks and thought.. I did what was right and I did my best.  It’s not the job of another to cast a stone, to gossip or to judge.  I know who has that responsibility.  

If someone in your life does those, remember this.. Those who mind, don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind.  

I’ll move forward with this life, on this journey and sleep better knowing it’s going to be okay.