Thursday 18 June 2020

Time not wasted

I had you for almost 48 years..

From the day my eyes opened, you’ve loved unconditionally.  Your words would be tough to hear but they were always honest, doubt was never around when you were.

Security and protection were of most importance and I had to work for your trust, knowing never to break it.  You spoke your mind, no matter who could hear it.  Always standing your ground for what you believed in.

We laughed, a lot.  You gave me the time I needed, when I needed and space when I wanted.  We sang together while you played your guitar.  We watched football and I had my first beer with you.

Often, when the path wasn’t clear you would brush away the debris and show me my choices always enforcing the right things.

Dad, I miss you so much.  This Sunday is papa’s day but you know, I celebrate you every single day.

Remember when I would come over and we would chat.  I never would leave without saying I love you and waiting for you to say it back to me.

Our last moment together plays in my mind over and over again.  Sitting across you on the bed, my hand in yours, your other hand holding my arm, I told you I love you, you squeezed my hand two times.

I know.. you were telling me to behave and that you love me too.