Sunday 9 December 2018

something to read..

I have been fortunate to been blessed with 2 children, albeit they are both grown up, what I see in them is beyond any thing I could have imagined.  

That being said, it was no easy task.. to be the one in their lives that would try and set an example.  

Life and some choices we make, are not always easy but if they are right, then you know you are heading in the correct direction.  

A few years back, my younger son told me something that tossed me off for a wee bit.  

While out with our pup in the neighbourhood where we lived at the time, our discussion focused about what to confess and when.  He asks me to recall that he takes an extra sandwich to school.  I respond saying "yes, but is it because you play sports after and need the fuel?"  

His response floored me. 
"Mum, there is a boy in class who his mother doesn't prepare lunches nor does she stock his home with much food, I take an extra sandwich so he can eat too."
I was floored.  He had been doing this for a few months now, without a word to me. 

Do I own much?  No.

Do I have much?  Yes.  

Fortune isn't about what you can hold with your hands but it is what you feel in your heart.