Monday 17 September 2012

Sunshine poking through

Being of a lesser income doesn't make you less of a person or weaker.  It makes you live your life with your eyes wide open.  You learn to accept things, gain insight and understanding.  Sure you can gain that with some money but you may not appreciate it as much without.  

Once you go into that fire, you come out knowing how hot it was and how not to do it again.  If you never enter it, you'll never know.  I suppose that's what they mean by going out and doing something different, something with a challenge.  You never know if you can until you try, right?

Let's try to start a challenge.  Let's push ourselves just once this month and do something we've never done before.  Call it what you want, a random act of kindness, a weekend class, sing at a karaoke bar.  Whatever you do, just do it.  Small or big.  I will.  I will.  

My youngest son and I today went to pick up "Smile" cookies from Tim Hortons for his hockey team.  unknowing to us, we didn't purchase enough and he gladly surrendered his for the lack of the one missing cookie.  The key is, he did it on his own... this made me feel good knowing that when he's older, he's capable.  

My older son enjoys spending time with us, he cooks & helps out around the house.  For the first time ever, without me asking.  This gives me faith, he'll be okay.  

search for the beauty in all things.
Now going back to that challenge, when you do it... tell someone and be proud, happy and yes, brag.  It's contagious.  Don't forget to smile, those are too.