Monday 27 August 2012

Being thankful...

I try to see each day with fresh eyes, clear hearing and an open heart.

Like others, I want no more than happiness for others and myself.  

I desire not what my friends have but am grateful for the many blessings in their lives, thankful for the chance to experience each single breath with them.  Life isn't about how many breaths you take but how many take your breath away.  We all need to open our eyes more, listen clearer and understand a little bit more.

To me, the greatest sound is the laughter these two have.  The greatest sight is them, knowing I was given the chance to be their mother and hopefully one day, someone they look up to and try to out do.  Thank you to my beautiful son's who have taught me more than any education could grant.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Reasons to let go.

August already... where has time gone?   If I am with the right person, I would do it.  Go ahead, dare me.  I'll do that round off like I was 12 years old again.

When you turn 40, you'll close your eyes and picture those silly moments and a slow grin will creep across your face.  The moment you ran down the street to buy an ice cream from the person on a bike (not a truck)! and that moment will be the happiest moment right there... in your life.  Nothing else matters but putting it to your lips like a fresh cup of coffee and saying... ahhh perfect!  If I was with the right person who could be a goof with me, I would do it right now.

Is it the age you live or the people you are with?  I believe it's a mixture of both.  One of my closest friends Danielle and Denise both put me there.  We can skip down Whyte Ave in Edmonton arm in arm.  You would look at us and quickly judge.  Your thoughts would be one of drug or alcohol abuse.  Nope... none there.  We are just goofy and accept it.  From time to time, I need one of those nights.

I have friends who I let go with and open up, listen to and giggle.  This was my lightest entry to date and I'm feeling good.