Sunday 19 February 2012

Eyes wide open

It's snowing today.  I must admit, that relaxes me.  I enjoyed standing at our front window looking out and taking the time for myself.  Cup of hot water in hand and taking those important deep breaths.  Life goes so fast.  I can remember (as most of us can) being under 20 and thinking life would last a long time.  Now that i've turned 40 I look back and think "holy dina"!  How on earth did time pass that quickly without me noticing?

We do our daily events.  You know what I'm talking about.  Wake, eat and head off to work or school.  We don't look at our watches when we are having fun do we?  I think that answers it.  I can say to date, i've had fun.  I can say that this life I've lived is good.  Sure, we don't have the biggest house on the block and we don't have the best looking cars but what I do have is a roof to keep me dry, clothing on my back to keep me warm, food in my body to fuel me and people around me to care enough to make me smile.  I hope my boys think the same way I do when they grow up.  It would be a shame not to see what I see with their eyes wide open.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Step by step

You often hear the words "everything will be okay in time" after a tragedy in your life.  Regardless if it's a loss of a loved one, a job or some big change.  It's the one things most of us don't want to hear or be told in the present moment of a loss.  However, most times they are dead on with the statement.  Case in point.

A life job change for my husband.  He's going into something that will now give him freedom to enjoy his life more.  At least we are hoping for that.  I can't speak for him but i've worked in an office setting most of my life.  As mundane as it can be, there are good certainties.  You work Monday and the best day of the week is Friday.  Saturday's are truly for relaxing and Sunday's are for families.  

I hope he see's this change as a good one where he can look over his shoulder and say to me; "I can't believe what a great change this has been".  I hope he's had fun so far.