Tuesday 11 August 2015

Small things

At this very moment you need to know that it will pass and the only way it will come back is if you allow it.  Regardless of what the moment is bringing you, joy or sorrow it's yours. 

Take it for what it is.  Celebrate the great small things that happen in your life, embrace it.  If it's a tough one, you'll be fine.  You'll make it through it.  You are stronger than you know, braver, smarter, thinner, taller and more beautiful.  Stop wishing for more and start loving what you have.  From your toes to your nose, you are perfect.  

Take the small moments that put a wrinkle at the end of your eyes and remember it brought you joy, not sorrow.  That grey hair you just noticed came from life experiences, good or bad you are a bit wiser now.  Those extra few pounds?  They came from a moment where you forgot you felt insecure about your shape and ate your entire dessert.  Your unfinished nails?  They are from spending time by yourself in the garden.  That mark on your leg that is forever a scar?  It's from that time you caught your child as they were falling and fell for them instead.  

Slow down and look up.  See the sky, the clouds, the trees with their leaves, the branches that reach out, the trunk that is firmly planted in the ground, the soil that supports it.  Life is a beautiful thing and you should take in all the small things.  

My son did last weekend when he caught his first fish.  He didn't come home telling me what he read on which social media.  He told me about the other campers that set off fire works, how he drank water from the stream, how he finally learnt how to build a tent, a fire, use a fishing rod and catching a fish.  Those small moments helped build his confidence.  You can too.

His first fish

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